
As the years pass, the skin and deep structures of the face lose the elasticity and volume they have always enjoyed and this leads to the appearance of wrinkles, loos of volume in the mid face   and excess skin in the lower portion of the face and neck. This situation can become unpleasant for a woman but also for a man, especially when they feel younger than the age her face wants to show. My favorite surgical procedure to perform is the Face lift .

The face lift surgery is performed to restore greater tone to the skin, replace  volumes and give a new youth to the face.  Thanks to Lifting, in fact, the skin regains its lost delicacy and the woman regains the beauty of the past. Currently, I combine the most advanced techniques for face lifting, intervening on skin and deep tissues (SMAS, deep SMAS, and Platysmaplasty) with also the use of micro/nano fat grafts and stem cells that rejuvenate the entire skin and replacing its volumes.


As the years pass, the skin and deep structures of the face lose the elasticity and volume they have always enjoyed and this leads to the appearance of wrinkles, loos of volume in the mid face   and excess skin in the lower portion of the face and neck. This situation can become unpleasant for a woman but also for a man, especially when they feel younger than the age her face wants to show. My favorite surgical procedure to perform is the Face lift .

The face lift surgery is performed to restore greater tone to the skin, replace  volumes and give a new youth to the face.  Thanks to Lifting, in fact, the skin regains its lost delicacy and the woman regains the beauty of the past. Currently, I combine the most advanced techniques for face lifting, intervening on skin and deep tissues (SMAS, deep SMAS, and Platysmaplasty) with also the use of micro/nano fat grafts and stem cells that rejuvenate the entire skin and replacing its volumes.

I carefully examine each of my patients to make sure I understand needs and desires of course trying to give as much as possible natural results . Based on these I try to identify the most appropriate intervention and how the possible results live up to expectations.

  1. I make incisions in strategic locations, often around the hairline, ears, and/or under the chin, where they can be easily concealed. The length and pattern of the incisions vary depending on the specific techniques used and the areas of the face being addressed.
  2. After making the incisions, I lift and reposition the underlying facial muscles and tissues to restore a more youthful contour to the face. This may involve tightening loose muscles and removing excess fat deposits.
  3. Once the underlying structures have been adjusted, I carefully redrape the skin over the newly repositioned tissues and removes any excess skin. This helps to eliminate wrinkles and sagging, resulting in a smoother, firmer appearance.

At the end of the operation I apply an elastic  bandage to the neck and face which the patient must wear for few days. After one week up to 12 days     the  sutures are removed and recommend another slightly compressive bandage to be worn at night for another 10 days.


During the post operative period , which varies from patient to patient, rest is very important: from work, domestic activities and everything that can tire the body. Finally, as with any surgery, scars are expected, but they will be hidden and will become invisible over time. This will allow the patient to better appreciate the results: a face with smooth, toned  skin.

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Doubts or questions? It’s only natural to have any! Below I try to answer the most frequent ones. For further clarification you can write to me at any time, I will answer as soon as possible.

Yes, since it is general anaesthesia, you should not eat or drink for about six hours before the operation.
Yes. In order to promote rapid recovery and reduce the risk of infection, smokers should refrain from smoking, starting at least two weeks before the operation.
It is not recommended, but there is a possibility that it is necessary to stop taking them.
There are three lifting techniques: traditional, DEEP SMAS and Neck lifting. Traditional lifting: used in cases of evident skin laxity, it consists in treating the layers of tissue under the epidermis and on the muscles in order to eliminate skin excess and make sure that cheeks and jaw are well defined. Once the administration of general anaesthesia is completed, I make an incision along the hairline continuing towards the front of the ears until the part behind the auricle. I then separate the skin from the underlying tissues, to remove excess fat, consequently, I place it back on the face, removing any excess. In this way, the face lifts up and assumes the new position. Sub SMAS lifting: used when the tissues around the cheekbones start to fall out, creating nose-labial furrows and resulting skin laxity mainly in the central area of the face, it consists in actin deeply on the muscles of the face. It is a long and complex procedures not always necessary. Neck lift : I pull the skin only with incisions in the back of the ears so that the skin and muscles in the neck are pulled and reinforced. Nowadays there is also another way to rejuvenate the face, this new techniques consists in injecting fat and stem cells in the face. The procedure can be done as a local day case and it is becoming very popular.

The first appointment

It is the basis of my aesthetic renewal process, in which I like to establish a direct relationship with my patient.

The surgery

I operate with my patient's wishes and achievable results in mind to ensure an excellent result and a swift post-operative course.

After the surgery

I will see every patient personally in their follow ups, monitoring the patient until his complete recovery. Every one of my patient will have contact with 24 hrs for any advice and I give a life time care.

The best choices for patient well-being

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