
Eye contour is one of the areas of the face where the signs of ageing are most visible. But what happens to the tissues in this area over time? The skin loses elasticity and facial muscles weaken, causing the upper eyelids to relax and fall out. In the lower eyelids, on the other hand, fat can accumulate, that is the main cause of the formation of bags under the eyes.

The consequences are mainly aesthetic: the face seems tired, dull, that does not reflect the mood of the person generating dissatisfaction and insecurity.

Blepharoplasty comes to help, it is a surgery that affects the tissues of the eyelids, eliminates blemishes and makes the skin of the eyes as smooth as before. The eyes acquire new vitality and their glance a new youth.


Eye contour is one of the areas of the face where the signs of ageing are most visible. But what happens to the tissues in this area over time? The skin loses elasticity and facial muscles weaken, causing the upper eyelids to relax and fall out. In the lower eyelids, on the other hand, fat can accumulate, that is the main cause of the formation of bags under the eyes.

The consequences are mainly aesthetic: the face seems tired, dull, that does not reflect the mood of the person generating dissatisfaction and insecurity.

Blepharoplasty comes to help, it is a surgery that affects the tissues of the eyelids, eliminates blemishes and makes the skin of the eyes as smooth as before. The eyes acquire new vitality and their glance a new youth.

The surgery is preceded by the first consultation where I make sure my patient is in good health, listen to  wishes and identify the achievable results. The surgery takes from one to three hours depending on whether the lower eyelids, upper eyelids or both are affected.

In the case of the upper eyelid I make a small incision following its natural fold, separate the underlying tissue from the skin and remove or reposition the adipose tissue. At this point, I stretch the skin in order to eliminate or reduce wrinkles and finally close the incision. My particular attention is not to remove too much in order to give natural results and keep the shape of the original shape of the eyes. 

For the lower eyelid, I make a small incision near  the area near of  lashes changes  along the natural creases of the lower eyelids or inside the lower eyelids (transconjunctival approach) to minimize visible scarring. The choice of incision technique depends on factors such as the amount of excess skin and fat to be removed. Once the incisions are made, I will access the underlying tissues of the lower eyelids. I may remove or redistribute excess fat deposits to eliminate puffiness or bags under the eyes. Additionally, I may tighten or reposition the muscles and tissues to address sagging or drooping eyelids. If there is excess skin present, I will trim it away to create a smoother and more youthful appearance. Care is taken to ensure that the eyelid retains its natural shape and contour.

At the end of the operation, bruises and swelling may appear, a completely natural and temporary phenomenon, after a few days the situation returns to normal. Seven days after the operation I will remove the stitches: the scars will fade with time until they become very small white lines.

For about two weeks it is important to rest, avoid physical strain and bending down or forward. A further visit allows me to verify the patient’s complete recovery. And the result of all this? Smoother skin around the eyes for a more toned and youthful face.

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Doubts or questions? It’s only natural to have any! Below I try to answer the most frequent ones. For further clarification you can write to me at any time, I will answer as soon as possible.

Yes. In order to promote rapid recovery and reduce the risk of infection, smokers should refrain from smoking, starting at least two weeks before the operation.
It is not recommended, but there is a possibility that it is necessary to stop taking them.
Local anaesthesia or general anaesthesia, in the case of lower eyelid surgery, may be required.
Yes, during convalescence, it is advisable to use sunglasses for protective purposes and it is important to avoid rubbing.

The first appointment

It is the basis of my aesthetic renewal process, in which I like to establish a direct relationship with my patient.

The surgery

I operate with my patient's wishes and achievable results in mind to ensure an excellent result and a swift post-operative course.

After the surgery

I will see every patient personally in their follow ups, monitoring the patient until his complete recovery. Every one of my patient will have contact with 24 hrs for any advice and I give a life time care.

The best choices for patient well-being

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