
The abdomen is a part of the body that is easily subject to the excess of fat, deformities,  imperfections. Pregnancies, sudden weight loss or gains and a decrease of muscle tone can cause skin excess, fat accumulation and the appearance of stretch marks.

Keeping a dry and toned belly is the desire of many women and men. In many cases neither proper nutrition nor physical activity are enough not to feel dissatisfaction with your body. Luckily, there is a solution, called abdominoplasty, a surgery that guarantees a new tone to the abdomen, remove the discomfort of a overhanging belly  and that gives back harmony to the silhouette.

With the first consultation I make sure that the patient is in good health, I explain the risks and possible complications. I also illustrate the achievable results (realistic and in line with patient wishes).

During the surgery, performed  under general anesthesia, I make very low incisions in the pubis area hip to hip   to prepare a flap and then remove the  excess fat and skin. I always reinforce The abdominal muscle fascia in order to reinforce and make the abdominal wall flatter. In the event of a DIASTASIS of the rectus muscles (separation of the abdominal muscles) this is always corrected with sutures in 3 layers that bring together the separated muscles and in some serious cases also through the use of mesh. In the event that there are hernias of the abdominal wall or in the umbilicus, these are also repaired. ”

Upon awakening it is frequent to feel some pain that vanishes in less than 5 days. After the surgery I first apply a compression bandage and later, a containment band to wear for another four weeks.

Some scars may be permanent but they will become small, slightly visible white marks. During the recovery, which can last from six to eight weeks, the rest from any physical activity is needed and, during the first two weeks, you should even avoid working. The result of all of this? A smooth abdomen, more tonic and in balance with the  body.

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Doubts or questions? It’s only natural to have any! Below I try to answer the most frequent ones. For further clarification you can write to me at any time, I will answer as soon as possible.

Yes, since it is general anaesthesia, you should not eat or drink for about six hours before the operation.
Yes. In order to promote rapid recovery and reduce the risk of infection, smokers should refrain from smoking, starting at least two weeks before the operation.
It is not recommended, but there is a possibility that it is necessary to stop taking them.
The operation takes about two or three hours and requires a one or two nights hospitalization. There are three types of possible surgery: standard, partial and extensive abdominoplasty. Standard abdominoplasty: it is one of the best known techniques, it consist in an incision along the lower abdomen that allows me to tighten the stomach muscles (contouring process) and remove excess fat and skin. I then tighten the skin down and close the incision. Finally, after a small incision around the navel necessary to reposition it, I insert the draining tubes and make a compression bandage. Partial abdominoplasty: it is a less invasive technique because it does not involve moving the navel and is dedicated to those women who have excess skin and fat located in the lower abdomen. Extended abdominoplasty: Identical to standard abdominoplasty, this procedure also requires lateral liposuction with ultrasound (Vaser) to eliminate excess skin and fat from the hips and waist.

The first appointment

It is the basis of my aesthetic renewal process, in which I like to establish a direct relationship with my patient.

The surgery

I operate with my patient's wishes and achievable results in mind to ensure an excellent result and a swift post-operative course.

After the surgery

I will see every patient personally in their follow ups, monitoring the patient until his complete recovery. Every one of my patient will have contact with 24 hrs for any advice and I give a life time care.

The best choices for patient well-being

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